50 Spa Treatments and Products
A Soap & Spa Making Guide for Hobby or Business
Brandi Benger
50 Spa & Treatments and Products is a complete soaper's guide to product-making at home for the hobbyist or craft maker who wants to explore the idea of opening a cosmetics business.
Included in this book are 50 original recipes for spa treatments that can be sold for your customers to use at home or made for your private collection. Whether you are a small business owner or a hobbyist you will love these recipes. These recipes are used in our store and craft shows.
Recipes in this book include:
- Facial treatments
- Sugar scrub for face & acne
- Rose hip oil: anti-ageing facial oil
- Natural face mud mask
- The black head remover face mask
- Facial mask for sun burn
- Under eye night cream
- Dark herbal acne face mask
- Reduce rosacea face mask
- Tighten and firm face treatment
- Reduce pores pink facial mask
- Massage oils
- Hot peppermint chocolate massage oil
- Lemongrass anti-aging massage oil
- Lavender massage oil
- Cinnamon & vanilla massage oil
- Stuffy head & sinus massage oil
- Lotions and body butters
- Soothing oatmeal milk & honey night cream
- Lotions sticks with glimmer
- Light summer day moisturizer
- New England winter body butter
- Honey oat & milk body moisturizer
- Soothing decongestant salve
- Lemon crème lotion
- Soothing lotion for shaved legs
- A kiss of rose body lotion
- The massage bar
- Body wraps
- The "slimming" wrap
- The traditional seaweed wrap
- Roses and blooms body wrap
- The royal chocolate mousse wrap