Affirmations for a Cleaner House
Positive Affirmations to Encourage, Motivate, and Give Hope
Jane Carter
Keeping a house clean and tidy can be a daunting task. If we each had our own personal genie, then that would make things a lot easier, but unfortunately, we don’t, so cleaning our homes one dust bunny at a time is what it must be. But, there is hope. Attitude and mindset can make a world of difference in how we feel when doing things, especially those tasks that are repetitive.
This audiobook, Affirmations for a Cleaner House, contains positive affirmations to help you stay positive either before cleaning and/or while cleaning. My hope is that with these affirmations you will help to motivate you when times get tough and just sitting on the couch and watching TV sounds better, but there is cleaning that has to be done. Try to listen to these affirmations at least five minutes a day, preferably on cleaning days. Over time, you will start to feel that keeping things tidy and clean is a mountain that you can easily climb. Be blessed.
©2021 Better You Etc. Publishing (P)2021 Better You Etc. Publishing