Assurance of Salvation
Dispelling Doubts with Infallible Truth
Michael Barnett
When clouds of doubt block the sunshine of our assurance of salvation, a sense of foreboding plagues us. The fear of hell becomes a sobering reality, leading to loss of joy and strength. We also leave the ground of victory. We lose confidence in accessing Jesus by faith because of our uncertainty over whether we even have Jesus. Such a person can be overcome by the world instead of overcoming through faith.
Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Jesus came that we might have life—salvation. He implied that we would know that we have life—assurance. Jesus also came that we might live life abundantly—revival. But too many believers are missing out on assurance and the abundant life that accompanies it because they fear they aren’t saved.
For the sincere soul who is plagued with doubt over his or her salvation, it is a big deal. But take heart! In Assurance of Salvation, John Van Gelderen shows us how we can have eternal life, know that we have it, and live it abundantly, based on the infallible Word of God.
©2022 John R. Van Gelderen (P)2024 John R. Van Gelderen