God is the creator of human beings and the whole universe. He knows how everything in our lives should work because he designed it. Plus he has no beginning and no end because he created time, time didn't make him, for example, we as human beings live in time, and at some point, our lives down here will end. Therefore all we know is what we can see or what someone has told us, but since God lives outside of time there is no problem or situation among his creatures that he has not seen or had to solve, this is what we see Jesus in scripture doing the impossible in his earthly ministry. People came to him with all kinds of problems and he gave them sight, made them walk, and raised some of them from the dead because he was the walking and talking manifestation of God himself. when people saw Jesus they were looking at what God is like, and they were seeing the power of the invisible looking in their eyeballs and looking into his eyeballs, nothing like this had ever happened on planet Earth before. But it is why Jesus told his disciples when they had seen him they had seen the Father - John 14: 9. The religious leaders of his day thought that he had lost his mind, and even tried to stone him to death for making himself equal with God. Friend Jesus is the same today as he was when he walked this earth over two thousand years ago. I believe that you will enjoy this message and it will open brand-new doors of understanding in your walk with the Lord just as it did for me and my walk.