This week’s guest, Manuj Aggarwal shares his remarkable journey from working on a factory floor in India for $2 a day to becoming a global thought leader in AI and startups. He discusses the challenges of growing up in a competitive environment, the importance of resourcefulness, and the cultural shocks he experienced when moving to North America. The conversation also touches on the rapid growth of India and its potential on the global stage. Manuj then discusses the evolution of AI, its impact on the workplace, and the opportunities it presents. He emphasizes the importance of execution over ideas in the innovation landscape and explores the intersection of emotions and AI, suggesting that AI can help create and manage emotions in new ways. The discussion also touches on the challenges of technology adoption and the potential for AI to enhance productivity and value creation.
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He grew up in a small town. A friendly child, his home was troubled. he withdrew into a shell, becoming aloof and angry. At age 15, he started working in a factory. Manuj worked 12 hours/day with only $2 as a daily salary. In 1995, a new computer institute (Aptech) threw its doors open in his town. Tuition was greater than a year’s salary, but he scraped together funds for the first class where he found his passion: Computers and Programming. After meeting his wife, they traveled to Canada to start a new life. While in Canada, Manuj had to overcome enormous challenges and today he is excelling and inspiring others to pursue their dreams. Going from $2/day to the boardrooms of Fortune 500 reinforced my belief that anything is possible.
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