The guys look back at the TV couples that made them go WTF? From bad storyline casting to couples that gave them the ick, Carlos and CMo weigh in on casting choices they wish were never made!
PLUS! The guys read emails from the listeners, they share a study showing the correlation between roasting your friends and loyalty, and MORE!
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- Carlos:
- IG: http://Instagram.com/CarlosDoesTheWorld
- YouTube: http://YouTube.com/@carlosdoestheworld
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- Twitter: http://Twitter.com/CarlosDoesWorld
- Threads: http://threads.net/carlosdoestheworld
- Website: http://carlosgarciacomedy.com
- Chris 'CMO' Moore:
- IG: http://Instagram.com/Chris.Moore.Comedy
- TikTok: http://TikTok.com/@chris.moore.comedy
- Twitter: http://Twitter.com/cmoorecomedy