Become More Proficient: Enhance Your Productivity and Develop Better Time Management with Affirmations and Hypnosis
Self Expansion Studios
We often wait for inspiration to strike or external motivation to spur us on towards a challenging goal. As hard as it can be to hear, no one cares as much as you do if you keep putting off that passion project. You alone have the power to summon up the willpower and get yourself to do the work that will get you closer to your dreams. You can do this by affirming to yourself the value of what you want to accomplish.
This program has been designed to empower you to work harder and smarter for yourself.
This program can help you:
• Greatly boost your productivity
• Design the future of your dreams
• Push yourself to do better now
The audio-book includes:
• Powerful subliminal affirmations that you can listen to before or during sleep on a low volume.
Find the strength and willpower within yourself to achieve your goals. You are your own greatest motivator.