Breaking Pain Patterns and Knowing Which Path to Be On
Elizabeth Turner
Cracking the Code
What you're about to witness and make your own are nine effective approaches to unraveling a common pain pattern that, ironically, often goes unrecognized!
+ About 70% of my clients come in with hip/back imbalances:
+ More than half of those have already seen other practitioners, unsuccessfully.
+ Discovery happens during assessments.
+ The code will be the correct sequence of techniques that pinpoint and ease the real culprit(s) causing the imbalance.
Why nine approaches?
+ Nine client complaints give us enough choices to begin narrowing down the search.
+ Verbal and visual input reflects recent changes in habitual movements, trauma, stress, and environment.
+ Body feedback during assessment palpations directs with less guesswork.
+Fibrotic tissue and unexpected joint fixations, for example, often tell us to slow down, modify, or switch to the nearest technique.
+ Consider these systematic techniques to be a giant, living flowchart, with enough overlap and process of elimination to find your clients’ unique pathways.
* In this course students will learn:
* How to observe before palpation starts, and spot chronic pain patterns
* How to discover why erector spinae muscles are tight only on one side
* Which musculoskeletal relationship can cause a tautness in hamstrings?
* Location of the source of chronically tight rotational hip patterns that often go unrecognized
* How to assess and test for rotational patterns
* Assessment skills for the musculoskeletal system for possible causes or contributing factors to low back tightness
* Protocols to reduce low back tension in a chronic pain pattern
* How to assess the lamina groove fibrotic tissue for dysfunctions and some causes of curvature of the spine
* Appropriate techniques designed to change muscular and fascial structures to improve breathing, range of motion and posture
* Students will be able to:
* Show a technique to release a client’s stuck ilium
* Understand how to free up the stuck ASIS
* Identify tissues involved in hip rotational patterns
* Test for and assess hip rotational imbalances
* Identify a key ligament in the gluteal area that links several muscles to their tightness
* Demonstrate how to free up stuck, glued down hamstrings
Identify several techniques to improve a client’s posture
Demonstrate how to free up the deeper layers by using bones as levers
Show improvement in their client’s gait
Apply a specific technique to increase flexibility of the spinal column
Apply techniques to decrease functional leg length discrepancy
Demonstrate the techniques to improve breathing