The Road to Recovery & Forgiveness: An Essay by David Boyer
Larry Wayne
David Boyer
In my day, the main targets of bullies were the weak and intelligent. If you had a high IQ but weren't very good in gym class, you were a target. If you wore thick glasses or a pocket protector? It was time for the beat-down to begin.
Nowadays, there are no specific targets. Haters want to hate and they have no particular preference as to who they pick on. It doesn't matter if you are gay or straight or black or white or rich or poor, if a hater decides to make you a target, they will do their level best to make your life a living hell - or worse.
Kids and teens who bully need our support and compassion just as much - if not more at times - than the victims of bullying. If we want bullying to stop, or at least slow down, we need to begin helping them to grow up learning how to interrelate with others without any harassment or manipulation on their part, to fit into society, not doling out meaningless so-called "punishments" that will most likely make their overall attitude even worse.
And remember, you don't have to forgive your bully if you can't find it in your heart to do so. I had a lot of difficulty doing so myself. But, at the same time, don't ever allow your hatefulness and resentment over what happened to you in the past make you become a bully yourself.
©2020 David Boyer (P)2020 David boyer