Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Your Route out of Perfectionism, Self-Sabotage and Other Everyday Habits with CBT
Ruth Sillers
Avy Joseph
Find out how to use CBT techniques in everyday life for emotionally healthy living
What happens to you in life matters less than the way you feel about life; that's the message of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). If you've ever tried to change something about yourself - your mood, your weight, your behavior - you'll have noticed that change often hurts, so you stop trying. CBT can help you when change starts to hurt. In the revised and updated edition of this best-selling title, professional CBT practitioner Avy Joseph shows you how to challenge negative thoughts and unhealthy beliefs to improve your outlook in your personal and professional lives.
- Contains new scenarios and exercises for the listener to practice using CBT techniques in a variety of situations
- New introduction and conclusion from the author discussing the CBT technique and recent developments in the field
- Addresses key topics such as anxiety, change, resilience, and self-belief
- Written by an expert in the field - Avy Joseph is widely recognized as one of the UK's leading practitioners on the topic