Compound Marketing
How Smart Entrepreneurs Use Asset-Building Marketing Strategies for an Unfair Growth Advantage
Dan Norris
Dan Norris
A note from Dan.
I’m now in my 15th year as an entrepreneur, and over those years my ideas around what an entrepreneur is, and how to build a business, have changed a lot. My university lessons in marketing didn’t serve me too well, but even as a business owner for many years, I continued this habit of looking for someone to give me the answer. Seeking permission. It didn’t work, but what did work was spending years piecing together a new way of marketing through trial, error, and some chance encounters with generous people.
Compound Marketing provides a framework for thinking about how to market a solid long term business without short term strategies. It looks at the four most important things that I think entrepreneurs can do if they want to take an approach to marketing that will give them ongoing compounding growth as opposed to quick wins. Compound Marking is the way I have built all of my businesses, some six figures, some seven and some eight, with a far below average spend on marketing and advertising.
Compound Marketing tells the stories of my businesses and many others and provides practical advice for entrepreneurs on using the four key compounding marketing strategies of brand, storytelling, content, and community to build a modern business with an unfair growth advantage.
©2020 Dan Norris (P)2021 Dan Norris