Cyber Republic
Inspired by Michael Crichton
Carl Westin
The story revolves around a 63-year-old man Silver Boyd in the year 2033. After two divorces, he goes to Hollywood to become his dream of an actor. Yet, after living in Norway for the last 15 years, he is unaware of what dangerous choices he must make to survive the boroughs of LA. Along the way, he picks up a stray dog Trouble, part wolf and part Siberian huskie. They team up to fight for others and for themselves.
Living in now AmCanMex (America, Canada, and Mexico), he finds out his money is now longer good. He does not have a radio frequency infrared device (RFID) embedded into his body. He refuses to take the chip and finds out the chip is not only used for currency, but also mind control.
He is befriended, betrayed, and fights for his goal of a main role in a movie. He picks up work as a gay bartender at night. After years of being hurt from women, he considers going homosexual. He almost goes all the way until he meets Heather, who is a lesbian. She decides after working with Silver, though 15 years younger, she misses the male anatomy. From there, they attempt to retake Heather’s life from her lesbian lover and her her chipped life.
Will they survive the choices they must make?
Inspired by the late Michael Crichton and the video game Cyber Punk 2077.
©2014 Eugene Cole Bolchoz (P)2020 Eugene Cole Bolchoz