Creating Our Global Community--Sustainable, Peaceful, Just
Robert L. McCan
Robert McCan
Destiny offers the vision of a positive future for humanity and a practical blueprint for how to achieve a sustainable, peaceful, and just global community. At this most important moment in human history, technology is giving us the power to remake the world into a garden of plenty. At the same time, we face dark, existential crises—climate catastrophe, the continuing threat of nuclear weapons, and futile reliance on achieving “security” through military escalation, as examples.
What do these problems have in common? Their solutions require global cooperation beyond national boundaries. The challenge is stark: we learn to live together, or we die together. We must create conditions for all our citizens to thrive and contribute to the well-being of our world—through just structures of government; rich, diverse cultural milieux; and high quality-of-life conditions for everyone.
This book addresses questions of human nature, ethics, and the role religion plays on the road to destiny. We discern universal human values at the basis of each of the world’s major religions and in secular ethical systems. These deepest values support the formation of a global culture—and eventually a world government—that cherishes and supports our common humanity while celebrating our differences.
The first part of the book presents the vision and explores the human traits and accomplishments that have created our problems, the seeds of their solutions, and new clarity about the path forward. The second part of the book moves from vision to practical prescription and action. The third part of the book offers personal stories of how the author's long life intersected with history and lessons learned from the front lines. May these stories give listeners inspiration for their own work as change agents at this crucial time in history.
©2023 Robert L. McCan (P)2024 Robert L. McCan