Do Purpose
Matt Addis
David Hieatt
The most important brands in the world make us feel something. They do that because they have something they want to change. And as customers, we want to be part of that change. These companies have a reason to exist over and above making a profit: They have a Purpose.
Yes, we love the product they make. But the thing we love most about them is the change they are making.
Purpose is an incredibly powerful thing. It provides the strength to fight the impossible. It tells your story, it builds your teams and it defines your culture.
In Do Purpose, David Hieatt offers insights on how to build one of these purpose-driven companies. You know, those rare brands we all fall in love with. The crazy ones that don't just make something, but change something as well.
'David Hieatt is the man who proved to a world full of shallow brands the benefits of having a real purpose. There is no greater expert on the matter.'
Richard Reed, co-founder Innocent Drinks
'A wonderful book that reveals one of the secrets of business: do something you love and you'll never have to work another day in your life.'
Michael Acton Smith, CEO Mind Candy