Ebola: The Preppers Guide to Surviving the Killer Virus
Jason P. Hilton
The current Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the worst case of its type since the virus was discovered in the 1970s. What makes this Ebola outbreak of greater concern is not only that it is the strain that has the higher mortality rates but that it has crossed borders and appeared in regions previously unaffected by Ebola. The Ebola outbreak has the potential to spread on a global scale, particularly due to the long incubation period and the symptoms taking time to develop. Ebola symptoms are very similar to other infectious diseases and as such they can be difficult to spot.
If the Ebola outbreak goes global those that are prepared will have the best chance of survival, in short this means the prepper community. WHO have already declared that the Ebola outbreak is spreading quicker than the steps being taken to prevent it.
Many peppers are worried about the potential for pandemics of infectious diseases; it appears that Ebola may have the potential to become a pandemic. This audiobook explains the Ebola virus and the current situation with the outbreak in West Africa. It discusses Ebola symptoms and how the disease develops in humans. Like many infectious diseases Ebola can only be transferred from human to human in certain circumstances, we look at those circumstances and how we can best protect ourselves from the Ebola virus.
The book offers a look at prepping ideas that can be used if the Ebola outbreak hits our shores. In addition to stockpiling essential supplies the book highlights when it might be prudent to bug out and gives details about the best items to pack in a bug out bag. The bug out bag is probably the first thing that anyone wanting to be prepared should produce. In addition to a response to the Ebola outbreak, these prepper ideas can be applied to any "Doomsday situation".
©2014 Z Lasson, B Hardcastle (P)2014 Burton Crown Limited