Effective Anger Management for Teens
Handle Frustration, Stop the Rage, and Build a Happier Life - Navigate the Storms of Adolescence with Mindfulness, Empathy, and Strength
Samantha Novak
Emma Davis
Treated like a child and expected to behave like an adult? Discover when your anger is justified and when it screams “management issue.”
Are you snapping at people?
When things don’t go your way, do you get grumpy and remain that way for hours?
Perhaps it feels like you’re constantly angry about one thing or another.
The areas of your brain that are responsible for emotional regulation and impulse control experience significant remodeling during your teenage years.
Add hormonal fluctuations caused by puberty into the equation, and the result may be mood swings and emotional volatility.
This comprehensive guide is specifically tailored to help you reclaim control over your emotions.
Here’s just a snippet of what you will discover inside:
- Hurt, sad, or something else? – find the root causes and triggers of your anger
- Erecting safe spaces – master the art of boundary setting to manage your anger with friends, family, and others around you
- Self-control with emotional intelligence – 5 helpful tips on building empathy and compassion to comprehend opposing opinions without losing your cool!
- 4 proven ways of channeling your anger for productive and positive outcomes
- The problem becomes the solution – embrace healthy digital habits to reduce feelings of frustration
- Preparing for what’s to come – simple breathing exercises and mindfulness practices to help you cope with your anger
And much more.
Take positive steps towards managing your anger effectively.
Here’s your chance to effectively manage your emotions, and your life! Click “Add to Cart.”
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