Facing the Challenge, Beating the Odds
The Jimmy Mulzet Story
Todd Ethridge
Jimmy Mulzet
Jimmy Mulzet nearly died before his first birthday. Diagnosed with cerebral palsy at six months of age, it initially appeared that Jimmy’s journey in life would be full of challenges. Despite his diagnosis and prediction that he would never walk, Jimmy soon discovered that God sometimes provides miracles. All he had to do was be patient.
In an inspirational memoir shared to encourage others to be the best they can be despite their obstacles, Jimmy chronicles his remarkable life experiences that shine a light on the value of being embraced and loved unconditionally by both God and his family as he overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to lead a self-sufficient, accomplished life. Buoyed by his faith and prayer, Jimmy details how he achieved independence by eventually learning to walk—a life skill that allowed him to attend school, make friends, and later run in the New York City marathon, climb the stairs to the top of the Empire State Building, and meet Pope Saint John Paul II. Throughout his narrative, Jimmy inspires others with disabilities to never give up, find hope in the darkest of places, and always rely on God for strength.
“Facing the Challenge, Beating the Odds, is … a story about faith—Jimmy’s love for Jesus and His Church, and his attempts to put his faith into action.”
©2021 Jimmy Mulzet (P)2021 Jimmy Mulzet