Fibber McGee & Molly: Archives
Excitable and loose-lipped Fibber means well enough, but it's not always easy for even-tempered Molly to keep him in check and out of trouble. Of course, the long suffering Mrs. McGee's penchant for patience makes it all the funnier when she's finally pushed to the point of exasperation.
But, both McGee's are fabulously friendly, opening their door at 79 Wistful Vista to welcome the likes of Mayor LaTrivia (Gale Gordon), Doc Gamble (Arthur Q. Bryan), and neighborly nemesis Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve (Hal Peary).
Jim and Marian Jordan star in this radio comedy classic, in which warm-heartedness usually wins out over hot-headedness. A safe bet for laughs - as long as you don't go too close to the closet.
Once again, these entertaining episodes are available from the Radio Spirits Archives Collection.
Episodes Include: McGee's Party 03-04-41, Party Quarantined 03-11-41, Fibber Drafted 03-18-41, Fibber to Change His Name to Ronald 03-25-41, Fish to Arrive 05-13-41, Fibber the Fire Commissioner 10-14-41, Ronald Colman to Visit the McGees 11-12-46, Big Football Game Play 11-19-46, Collecting Doc Gamble's Bills 02-18-47, The Broken Window 02-25-47, Fibber Wants to Become Physically Fit 03-11-47, What's Going On Outside the Drugstore? 03-18-47, Fun With Electricity 03-25-47, Safe Driver McGee 04-01-47, Special 15th Anniversary Show 09-13-49, McGee the Artist 05-08-51, Post Office Key 10-21-52
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