Fusion: 2020 Marketing
Everything You Need to Know
Pete Beretta
Lon Safko
I discovered fusion marketing as a result of constantly being asked in interviews, “So, what comes after social media?” I would think to myself, “Social media has change the way the world markets, sells, and communicates forever. And, it has caused us to change at speeds we have never seen before with technology”, and you want to know what’s next?
I decided to take that question on as a personal challenge. I asked myself, “Where will marketing and sales organizations be in say, five years? How will we be treating traditional, digital, and social media marketing?" That’s when I realized that traditional marketing + digital marketing* + social media marketing = fusion marketing!
I realized that even now, if you are calling yourself a “social media expert” then you’re announcing to the world that you have been left behind. If you’re an expert in Facebook and Twitter, then you’re trying to build an entire marketing strategy restricted to using only one or two tools from all of the marketing tools available today. And, the reason we aren’t seeing the ROI from social media is, Facebook is not a strategy. Twitter is not a strategy. LinkedIn is not a strategy. They are only tools. We’ll get to what is a strategy later.
©2019 Lon Safko (P)2019 Lon Safko