Heaven Changes Everything
Living Every Day With Eternity in Mind
Stu Gray
Brook Bryant
Live every day with the hope of heaven!
A shattered leg, kidney stones, and a lump diagnosed as hyperplasia. Times were tough, money was scarce, and the bills and frustrations were piling up. It was into this kind of stressed out life that God sent Todd and Sonja Burpo the interruption of a life-threatening illness and emergency surgery for their almost four-year-old son Colton - an interruption that included his unforgettable journey to heaven. How did they cope? And how can they help us keep thoughts of eternity in mind in the midst of our own overly busy, stressed out lives?
In 50 unique inspirational readings based on excerpts from their story, Todd and Sonja share their family’s responses and reactions to the Heaven Is for Real experience. They answer questions about what it’s like to struggle with and question God, to doubt, and to even get angry with him. They also offer new insights into what God might be doing with those interruptions he allows into our lives. Each reading closes with a scripture to provide biblical reinforcement of the ideas shared and a take-away thought or action point to help readers incorporate the reading's inspiration into daily life. Keep the hope of heaven alive in your life. Heaven truly is for real, and it changes everything!
©2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. (P)2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc.