How to Talk to Anyone
Overcome Difficult Thoughts, Shyness, Social Anxiety, and Low Self-Esteem
Michael Hatak
Wallace Foulds
For most people, talking is as important as breathing. Verbalizing our thoughts and feelings with other human beings is so central to our survival that even in our attempts not to communicate, we still “say” something.
Although we all communicate, the ability to do it proficiently and with purpose is something we develop with knowledge, practice, and experience. Good communication is about the way we give our thoughts a voice and listen to what others have to say.
We are social creatures and hugely dependent on our ability to talk to make our way through the world. But for some people, social interaction and talking to people becomes an anxiety-filled experience. Many people don’t feel comfortable speaking at all in any sort of public situation. But speaking anywhere with confidence can improve every aspect of your life. It can get you the best jobs, more respect and authority in the workplace, and the finest spouses and greatest friends. It can make you a leader among your peers. Your ability to speak effectively with people can work as the stepping stone to success in your personal and professional life.
This audiobook is here to explain how to overcome the fear of conversation and talk to anyone with confidence.