Jesus Speaking: On Awakening to Love
Gina Lake
Gina Lake
Jesus still exists and is and has always been available to those who are devoted to him. This book is Jesus speaking from another dimension today. What we know about Jesus and what is obvious from the messages in this book is that Jesus is about love. His purpose in speaking to us today through these messages is to awaken the love within us that is our true nature. These messages are also intended to give you the experience of having a relationship with this wise and loving being we have known as Jesus the Christ, as he speaks to you as if you were sitting in his presence.
The channeled messages from Jesus, which this book is based on, were part of weekly online video meetings, where Gina Lake and her husband, who is also a nondual spiritual teacher, give what they call Christ Consciousness energy transmissions. The channeled messages from Jesus were given before the transmission to prepare, teach, and inspire those who are there to receive the transmission. Many report feeling a transmission come through these channeled messages as well.
©2018 Gina Lake (P)2018 Gina Lake