Joseph's Journey: A Study of Joseph
Robert Grothe
As a young foreigner in Egypt, Joseph succeeded against overwhelming odds. Uprooted from his family in Canaan and sold as a slave in Egypt, he made the best of unpromising situations. Sold to Potiphar as a field hand, he worked diligently and soon became overseer of Potiphar's entire estate. Though innocent of any wrongdoing, Potiphar's wife accused him of attempted rape, and Potiphar threw him into a prison house. Joseph acted wisely and discreetly in prison! When Joseph accurately interpreted Pharaoh's dreams, Pharaoh appointed him ruler of all Egypt.
Joseph stands as a splendid example of how God blesses and rewards righteous behavior. In scores of ways, Joseph's life foreshadows the life of Jesus our Lord. After his crucifixion, many thought his influence ended. Yet Jesus rose from the dead and became author of eternal salvation to those who trust in him.
About the "Biblical Studies 101" Courses: Bible scholar and teacher Dr. John R. Hargrove has designed a wonderful, year-long course for the individual Bible student and for the classroom. Spread over 12 courses, each book is a wonderful and insightful introduction to the Word of God. From Genesis to Revelation, Dr. Hargrove hopes to help you grow in the Lord and to understand his word at a deeper, more profound level. An intimate level. Ideal for small group study and for the individual, the Biblical Studies 101 program is, we think, ideal for you, too.
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