Keeping the Kids All Right
How to Empower Your Children Against the Leftist Agenda—Without Homeschooling
Barak Lurie
Barak Lurie
It’s one of your greatest fears: Losing your children to the progressive and leftist ideology.
In Keeping the Kids All Right, Barak Lurie shows conservative parents how to keep their kids conservative without homeschooling, and without quarantining kids from TV, friends, social media, their Uncle Eddie, or any other outside force. As he puts it, “your kids will remain unphased, like a Hurricane Hunter plane going through a category 5 hurricane.”
Lurie will take you through his four steps: (1) Identifying the issues, (2) Getting ahead of them, (3) Explaining them, and finally (4) Laughing at and Dismissing them. Following these steps, Lurie takes parents through many of the disturbing trends of the day: climate change, the erasure of God and the promotion of evolution, the diminishment of America’s greatness, and sexual identity confusion—and shows parents how to own each of them.
With humor, anecdotes, well-researched facts, fun proposed dialogues, and approaches on how to talk with your kids, Keeping the Kids All Right encourages parents first to bring up the issues early in their kids’ lives, and then laugh at the absurdities. Lurie argues if you do so, “you’ll be more than halfway to solidifying their love of God, America, and every value you cherish."