Landing a Great Dental Hygiene Job
Karle Yanocha
Doug Perry
Landing a Great Dental Hygiene Job was written to help new and experienced dental hygienists navigate the difficult road of finding a great job. The dental hygiene job outlook is still quite positive for hygienists, but it isn't what it used to be where professionals were in much higher demand. The expansion of schools (75% increase in schools) since 1995 and the flat growth in dental schools, coupled with recessions and other economic woes has left many good hygienists either unemployed or under-employed. The strategies and tips in this book have been proven to work.
In 2010, my wife graduated in dental hygiene and was excited to start working only to find out the job market was much more difficult than she anticipated. After a week of dropping off resumes and waiting by the phone for calls (even calls to work as a temp), it became painfully obvious a new strategy was in order. As a marketing professional, I worked with her to develop some strategies that we felt had a chance of working. It turns out they were right on the mark. This book details them out for you, sharing what works and even a little bit of what doesn't.
©2012 Doug Perry (P)2013 Doug Perry