Love Is the Answer to Your Prayers
Spiritual Meditation Book, Relationship with God
Jessica Ryan
Life does not come with a manual, but it comes with the living example of God’s love for mankind. Our needs and wants change every day, but God’s love remains constant through all the seasons of life. God loves us without any conditions attached, his desire is that we learn to love other people the way he loves us.
The goal of this book is to remind the listener about the importance of little acts of love shown to others. That love should not be limited to family and friends, but should be extended freely to lonely strangers because what may seem like a small act to one means the entire world to the receiver. The listener will acknowledge that we are all part of the entire human experience, we all experience pain and challenges; therefore, we need to be a little kinder to ourselves in order to be kind to others.
At the end of this book, the listener should be able to answer the following questions affirmatively:
- How can I improve my approach to life in order to make it centered around the will of God?
- What spiritual techniques can I use to heal my inner child from past trauma in order to cultivate the benefits of self-love?
- How can I develop a level of self-awareness so that my life is not run by my ego?
- How to find my purpose and serve others while I pursue my God-given talents?