Love Yourself
21 Day Plan for Learning 'Self-Love' to Cultivate Self-Worth, Self-Belief, Self-Confidence, Happiness
Charles King
Stephen Fleming
Start your journey today with Love Yourself - 21 Day Plan for Learning 'Self-Love' to Cultivate Self-Worth, Self-Belief, Self-Confidence, Happiness! The background story:
In my last 10 years of professional experience as a technology & management consultant, I always have been a keen observer of successful leaders and have been looking out for common grounds, habits, and beliefs of each of them. All of them had one thing in common: "They appreciated and loved themselves, their present situation, surrounding, & people."
One of them explained it to me: "You know, it's a habit and can be developed. If you feel good about yourself. It pulls you towards success!" These continued interactions led to the below conclusions:
- The entire journey towards any success and fulfillment begins with self-love and appreciation.
- If you study or listen to an achiever from any walk of life, he/she would always mention the magic of loving yourself.
- All of us are imperfect, but the journey towards being better versions of ourselves begins with learning the art of self-appreciation.
This book is a result of my research and interviews with many successful leaders, and it explains a 21-day achievable plan to learn the art of self-love - which would eventually lead to other goals of self-belief, confidence, and happiness. Inside the book you will discover:
- Understanding self-love
- How you benefit from loving yourself unconditionally
- Learning self-love to cultivate self-worth, self-belief, and self-confidence
- A 21-day action plan that covers day one to day 21 activities and practice to be developed into daily habits