NCE Exam Prep Study Guide
National Counselor Examination Preparation Secrets To Pass the NCE TEST: Complete Review Edition - Proven Test Strategies Included
Andrew Cole
Nathan Finatean
Are you ready to take the next step in your career as a mental health counselor?
You are no doubt a busy individual with a lot of things going on! It can be challenging to find the time to study for the NCE test. However, the truth is that the NCE test is a challenging exam.
Thorough preparation cannot be overlooked. That is why the author Nathan Finatean developed the NCE Study Guide! This edition is a complete review edition! It reviews all essential concepts found on the exam from all categories of the exam. You can listen to it wherever life takes you! Its sections include:
1. Professional Counseling Orientation and Ethical Practice (14% of the exam)
- Historical and philosophical development of counseling
- Professional roles, functions, and relationships with other human service providers
- Counseling credentials and certification
- Ethical standards of professional organizations and credentialing bodies
- Legal aspects of counseling practice2. Social and Cultural Diversity (9% of the exam)
2. Social and Cultural Diversity (9% of the exam)
- Multicultural and pluralistic trends
- Attitudes and behavior based on factors such as age, race, and religious beliefs
- Strategies for working with diverse populations
- Social change theories and advocacy actions
- The role of counselors in eliminating biases and prejudices, and promoting social justice
3. Human Growth and Development (12% of the exam)
- Theories of individual and family development and transitions across the life span
- Learning theories
- Theories of personality development
- The effects of crises, disasters, and trauma on individuals
- Nature and needs of individuals at all developmental levels
4. Career Development (9% of the exam)
- Career development theories and decision-making models
- Career, avocational, educational, occupational and labor market information resources, and career information systems
- Career assessment tools and techniques
- Career counseling processes, techniques, and resources
- Interrelationships among and between work, family, and other life roles
5. Counseling and Helping Relationships (23% of the exam)
- Counseling theories and models
- The counseling relationship
- Counseling processes and techniques, including those used in individual and group counseling
- The impact of technology on the counseling process
- Counselor characteristics and behaviors influencing the counseling process
6. Group Counseling and Group Work (7% of the exam)
- Group development, dynamics, and counseling theories
- Group counseling methods and skills
- Ethical and legal considerations in group counseling
- Group leadership styles and strategies
7. Assessment and Testing (8% of the exam)
- Types of assessments
- Basic concepts of standardized and non-standardized testing
- Reliability and validity in the use of assessments
- Ethical and legal considerations in assessment
- The use of technology in assessment
8. Research and Program Evaluation (8% of the exam)
- Importance of research in advancing the counseling profession
- Research methods such as qualitative, quantitative, single-case design