Outlines of Truth
Brethren Writers Library Book 1
Stuart Packer
FB Hole
Outlines of Truth (Being Bible Talks on Important Subjects Connected with the Foundations of Christianity) explains many foundational scriptural truths in an easy to understand way, and includes subjects such as : Faith & Works, Peace & Deliverance, Safety & Sanctification, Law & Grace, The New Nature & the Old, Election & Free Grace, Israel & the Church, Worship & Service, The Rapture & the Appearing.
Publisher's note.
This audiobook is part of the Brethren Writers Library series. These books go forth with the purpose of introducing the listener to the writings of men who were gifted of God as teachers "for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ".
We pray that the rich mine of spiritual truths in their writings may be opened up to you that you may be built up in your most holy faith. Many of their writings are freely available online at Stem publishing.com.
This edition is published with the prayerful desire that the Lord Jesus Christ will use this God-given ministry in this form for His glory and the blessing of many in these last days before His coming.
©2014 Words by the Wayside (P)2014 Words by the Wayside