Perfect Abs
The quick way to a sexy six pack
Craig Beck
Craig Beck
Craig Beck is one of the fittest, healthiest and most toned people you will ever meet. So why is he known around the world as ‘Fat Guy Friday’? In truth that’s exactly what he used to be.. a big fat guy! Until one day he said enough is enough and broke the cycle of yo-yo dieting that had plagued his life. Once he had shed the 60lbs of fat that had been eighteen years in the making, he started setting goals way beyond his initial expectations.
The thought that he might one day be the proud owner of an impressive six-pack never entered even his wildest dreams. Craig discover that just like all other areas of success in life there is a simple formula that can be applied to generate the designed outcome, in this case a super defined washboard stomach.
A perfect six-pack is when your abdominal muscles are so defined that they are clearly identified. There is a common misconception that perfect abs are achieved through countless daily sit-ups or extreme weight loss. Neither of these on their own is likely to give you the result you desire.
Best-selling fitness and success author Craig Beck takes you through the secrets he discovered to getting the sexy six-pack of your dreams in super quick time.
- Foods that create the perfect six pack,
- Food to avoid,
- The killer crunches, what works and what doesn’t,
- Cardio for perfect abs,
- Supplements to speed up the process,
- The psychology of a perfectly fit body.