Persistence: Develop a Peak Performance Mindset, Sharpen Your Memory and Accomplish Your Goals with Hypnosis and Subliminal Affirmations
Self Expansion Studios
J. J. Hills
When we set out to accomplish something big, there’s always a guarantee that challenges will arise. The key is to be resilient regarding those challenges and not let them deter us. Even if you are really close to giving up on your dreams, listen to the part of you, however small and quiet its voice, that wants to keep going.
This program has been designed to help you stay persistent even when there are obstacles in the way of getting what you want.
This program can help you:
- Develop a peak performance mindset
- Sharpen your memory
- Accomplish your personal and career goals
The audiobook includes:
- Chapter 1: Hypnosis for memory improvement and concentration. Listen with your eyes closed.
- Chapters 2 and 3: Powerful affirmations for increased productivity. Listen during any part of the day or evening.
- Chapters 4 to 7: Listen to these nightly affirmations on a low volume either before or during sleep. They are designed to help you be more productive during your waking hours.
Through small actionable steps you can push through obstacles and challenges. Don’t give up; you’re almost there.
©2018 J. J. Hills (P)2018 J. J. Hills