Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology
Ryan Parish
Does God Work with Israel and the Church at the Same Time? Is There a Connection between the Rapture and the Second Coming?
In the first part of Pretrib, Dr. Alan Kurschner makes the case that God has worked with both Israel and the church at the same time in the past, and he continues to do so at this time, and he will work with both at the same time in the future. In the second half of the book, Dr. Kurschner contends that the rapture is neither disconnected from, nor identified with, the second coming. Rather, the rapture belongs to the second coming. The implication from the author's examination reveals that while church saints will be raptured before the day of the Lord's wrath, they will first encounter the Antichrist's great tribulation.
By listening to Pretrib: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology, you will be walked through compelling lines of biblical reasoning that harmonizes all the evidence into a coherent picture. Sometimes we need to take a step backwards to challenge long-held beliefs, in order to get a running start and discover new biblical ways of seeing truths. This book helps to do just that.
©2022 Alan E. Kurschner (P)2022 Alan E. Kurschner