Provocation: Return of the Weatherman
The McGowan Collection Series, Book 2
Benjamin Hunter
Col. Lee Martin
Department of State Counter-Terrorist Operative Bruce McGowan returns in this sequel to Col. Lee Martin's acclaimed novel Wolf Laurel. It is the Christmas season following the 9/11 World Trade Towers terrorist attack, and McGowan's newly appointed FBI special agent daughter, Caroline, assigned to the Denver office, is missing. As she is an avid lover of the outdoors, is she merely out of cellular range on a hiking venture in the Rockies, or has she in fact been kidnapped?
From out of McGowan's past resurfaces a domestic terrorist, Jonas Karn, whom McGowan rather ruthlessly took down years before when he himself was an FBI agent. And to McGowan's horror, Karn, obviously out for revenge, says he has taken Caroline. As McGowan's search for his daughter begins, he simultaneously uncovers a plot by Karn and his new order of the “Weatherman Underground” against the American government to set off explosive devices in several US cities. Angry, yet fearful for Caroline's life, the unrelenting McGowan temporarily breaks from CTT to hunt down Karn, stop the madman's plot, and get Caroline back safely. But as Karn taunts and provokes McGowan, keeping him in the dark as to Caroline's whereabouts, McGowan goes off on his own tangent, ignoring FBI orders to stay out of the investigation and obstructing justice in the process. As usual, McGowan will dish out his own brand of justice. A word to the wise, never, ever provoke and antagonize Bruce McGowan by taking something precious of his.
For the most part, I investigate and run down factions of a foreign enemy that plans to methodically destroy America by murdering its people, disrupting its infrastructure, and planting fear in the heart of every God-fearing citizen. And when I do, I for the most part make sure that law enforcement does not get its hands on them to read them their Miranda rights. And then the courts will, after a laughable trial, sentence them to life in a jail cell that is a hell of a lot more cushy than the tent or cave they’re used to living in. But then there is also an enemy within our country of the home-grown type. He might be an American citizen who was raised as a child in the most utopian of all societies to have ever existed on this earth. Then along the way as he fell in with a subversive lot, brewing up a maelstrom of dissent and contempt for America, he grew up to hate our government and its laws.
©2010 Lee Martin (P)2023 Lee Martin/Terry S. Byrnes