Refinding Happiness
It Is Somewhere, I Guess
Ashley Gatti
Michele Foal
NY Tim's Best-Selling Author Michele Foal returns from her long quest to find the answers to happiness, armed with an online college degree in psychology, she takes a confidently firm and indisputably stupid look into what makes people anxious, sad, happy, and depressed. This is the ultimate guide to self-help and will fix all of your problems, and by all she means none of them, probably. This is the only self-help guide that you will ever need in life. Especially if you are already dead. Ultimately, let's go hand in hand and explore what happiness used to mean to us and how we might refind it again, because it is out there somewhere, I guess.
NY Tim is a random guy that Michele Foal knows that lives in NY; he has sold three copies of her previous work How to Fireproof Your Dog. It is the best seller amongst his collection as he is blatantly illiterate and has horrible business acumen.
Also, this is a parody of self-help books in general and it is at times offensive. Like, most times offensive...I would ballpark it at around seventy percent. I know that's high but I'm just here to manage your expectations. This book might change your life though. I mean, honestly, it probably won't. But let's say it will. I mean, other books do that, and they get away with it completely so I don't see why I can't. This guide will definitely change your life for the better. If it doesn't, that is absolutely your fault, and you should look into self-help books or therapy--or something.