Reluctantly Supernatural in an Age of Reason
Lepers in the Twilight
James Daniel Burkdoll
Science has failed to answer our deepest questions concerning the purpose and significance of human life. As a result, our culture is turning to the supernatural realm for the answers.
The Bible is literally filled with the supernatural power of God intervening into human affairs. Not only does God act supernaturally into the lives of his people, but he does so through the lives of his people. Given this fact, the questions become:
- Where did all the power go?
- Why are our churches so devoid of supernatural spiritual power?
- Do we have supernatural answers to our culture’s fascination with the supernatural?
In order to answer these questions, we look at the foundations for our Western cultural bias against supernatural spiritual experience, as well as the psychological, emotional, and theological reasons for our aversion to it. Sounds rather dry and theological, but this book is much more than a book about theology. It is a book containing amazing stories of our personal experiences with the Holy Spirit, as well as the experiences of others. The purpose of this book is to give you, through sound teaching and real life examples, all the guidance necessary to begin co-operating with the Holy Spirit in living a supernatural lifestyle. It will inform you, inspire you, and transform you.
©2017 Bob Maddux/Mark Cowper-Smith (P)2023 Bob Maddux/Mark Cowper-Smith