Tainted Fruit
Kevin Nichols
When struggles abound, those who assist with resolutions often are rewarded in more ways than one. However, when one turns a blind eye to the needs of others, or add to their suffering by intentionally inflicting pain or complications, recompense arrives in more ways than one. How do you react when you suddenly see someone’s life improved, especially someone you witness endure hardships for so long? Who will you trust on your climb up? How do you respond when people who mistreated you suddenly show affection for you after you’ve achieved what they deem as success? How can you guarantee the regal reputation you worked hard to build will last beyond your greatest day?
Published with assistance from BePublished.org in June 2018, TAINTED FRUIT by Mylia Tiye Mal Jaza is the author’s 26th published work, fifth published work of fiction, and second novella to date. TAINTED FRUIT is available for order worldwide as a Kindle ebook for $9.95 or as a softcover book for $19.95 from bricks-and-mortar and online book retailers including Barnes & Noble, your local bookstore, and Amazon.com.