Tears Behind the Smiles
Mr John Stewart Rushton
It is true that a smile can elevate the soul, improve your wellbeing, make you more accessible to others and indeed companies if you go for an interview. But what happens when we are hurting, saddened, unhappy, lonely, fearful, upset?
The first thing we should not do is "Stop smiling" wearing our anguish only tends to make matters worse and sympathy is a hollow virtue in that it can elevate the senses but has no substance whatsoever.
The fastest way to elevate your life and get over the predicament you are in is to join life, stop feeling sorry for yourself (because that won't do any good ever) and stop the "mind talk" because that will bring you down and stop you seeing all the positive options that are around.
We are all different, but you are in control of your mind, your mind is where you live, stop the excuses, don't be an emotional vampire draining others energy you have enough of your own. If you have love within you then that is all you need to rejoin life and become fabulous again. And if you weren't fabulous to start with then now is the time.
Remember you are the only one who controls how you think regardless of circumstances, don't opt out and let yourself down because if you do others won't respect you either.
Listen to this audio message about your hidden tears and how misplaced they are...
©2013 John S Rushton (P)2013 John S Rushton