The Adventures of Sirol The Squirrel, Volume 3
Sue Powell-Reed
John Littlejohns
Tom Cat enjoys mushrooms for breakfast, and is disappointed to find that they have all disappeared from the forest. He calls on Sirol and his friends to find out where they have all gone. Strange noises are heard and the animals are frightened....but there's no such thing as ghosts....
Sirol and The School Bullies
Sirol's cousins Jess and Jake are staying with him. They all like school until Brian and Boris move into the neighbourhood and start to cause trouble. Jake has been saving for a new bike and when Brian and Boris see him riding his new 'Super Squirrel' they are jealous....but it's not Jake that they vent their feelings on.
Sirol and The Snowstorm
Sirol panics when he loses his way in the snowstorm. A delightful tale for young children.
Sirol and The Village Concert
Sirol meets Steve Hare and the Bunnies, and sings their new song. A fun tale for young children.
Sirol and The Christmas Stocking
Sirol and his friends go last minute Christmas shopping, and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the festive season. A stocking full of wonderful surprises arrives overnight, and proves to be mystery....who could have left it?