The End of All Things
A Brief Study on Eschatology
Stuart Brogden
Stuart Brogden
Peter exhorts us to be sober minded as the end of all things draws near; rather than stocking up to survive the zombie apocalypse or trying to escape the madness of this world, Scripture tells us to be disciplined for prayer and intensely love each other. As evidence of the end of the world crowds our vision, we are to serve each other, being hospitable in word and deed; we are to speak the Word of God to all people. All things must be done in the strength of God and not our own strength – and all must be done to glorify the Father and the Son and the Spirit.
As I note in the introduction, it’s not possible to cover the entire breadth of each view – far too much data for this short review. Anyone will be able to honestly claim to hold any of the four views and not agree with how I’ve presented it. This is why I want the reader to know which authorities I used to present each view – they are mainstream, respected authors, even if they do not represent your view.
I am not seeking to make disciples of my view on eschatology, but honestly want to provoke every reader to examine his own view of things to see if they line up with Scripture and lead to a heavenly view of all good things, where our Lord Jesus currently reigns until He makes His enemies His footstool. Then He will return – once – to judge the nations, gather His people, and make all things new.