The First Seventy
A Retelling Commentary, Creation - The Ten Commandments
Patrick Robert Grady
B. Conscious
Rather than contain vague references to the words and actions of "the LORD" and "God" within the text, The First Seventy offers both seasoned readers/listeners of the Bible and those new to the text a spiritual explanation that can be discussed, debated, and incorporated into each individual's moment-to-moment life.
Weaving direct quotations from the Bible into a fluid narrative, The First Seventy: A Retelling Commentary, Creation - The Ten Commandments retells and explains the interconnected story that spans the first seventy chapters of the Bible.
Beginning with the story of creation, The First Seventy flows into a retelling explanation of the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah and his family, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and his family, and the plight of Jacob's descendants, "the children of Israel," in and out of Egypt. This narrative concludes with Moses' deliverance of the Ten Commandments.
Contrary to other Bible commentaries and interpretations, The First Seventy considers the everlasting present moment, the unity between couples, and the presence of consciously aware individuals as all communicating as "God" throughout the first 70 chapters of the Bible. Furthermore, men, women, kings, priests, and others all speak and act as "the LORD" within this retelling of the Bible narrative as well.
Viewing the foundational theme of the Bible to be that all is interconnected and one, The First Seventy draws one's attention to the words and actions of highly conscious and enlightened individuals. As such, this narrative illuminates the power of love and can inspire all who read or hear the story to similarly live their lives in states of awareness and love on a moment-to-moment basis.
Kirkus Reviews has called B. Conscious' commentary "unique" and "completely set apart from any other on the market."
Listen to the The First Seventy today!
©2023 Patrick Robert Grady of Bibliture LLC (P)2023 Patrick Robert Grady of Bibliture LLC