The Link Between Amanita Muscaria and Marijuana
JB Thomas
Carl E. Miller
Amanita muscaria mushrooms have a very long history of psychedelic use, but as of recently they've been compared to and/or combined with Delta-9. Now, this is rather ironic, at least to me. I say this, because Amanita muscaria mushrooms actually have an odd interaction with marijunana cannabinoids, besides the legality aspect. To be more specific, the interaction that I'm talking about is between muscimol (the main psychoactive compound in Amanita muscaria mushrooms) and cannabinoids from marijuana plants. Now, some of you may have come to this conclusion already, and rightfully so. This has been documented in studies dating back to at least the 1980s. But for some reason or another, these studies have been largely buried. Apparently those who didn't miss the memo, were the manufacturers making the Amanita muscaria + cannabinoid gummies. Maybe you're one of the unlucky ones who only tried Amanita muscaria by itself, and was confused to read reports of people experiencing visual hallucinations from their gummy experience.
Now, Amanita muscaria mushrooms alone can produce very interesting psychedelic results, namely a trance-like state of mind with altered perception of reality (including very vivid and lucid dreams). But if you want an experience that is more closely related to a true “magic mushroom” trip, then combining muscimol with cannabinoids is the key to this world. I personally view this as one of the top ten psychedelic discoveries of the last few decades, so I was truly shocked to see it rarely discussed publicly. I touched on this topic, briefly, in my first and second small book about these mushrooms. Then a month after my second book was published, an article online was just published also speculating about it. I wish I would've trusted my instinct more initially, but that was back when my suspicions were just a hunch. However, now I have the proof — so no more speculation. We have entered a new psychedelic era, so psychonauts rejoice!