The Next America
How to Survive and Thrive in Today's Unpredictable Economy
Wayne Hughes
Don Holbrook
The global economic chaos of the past five years has created a tremendous amount of distrust in government, social pressures on family and relationships, and enormous financial losses for average Americans. The recovery from this horrific period of economic transition into a new and very different economy of the 21st century will be felt for many more years. In order for Americans to rebuild their shattered dreams, find and create new dignified employment, and rebuild their wealth, they will have to reinvent themselves. This means adapting to constant change and learning how to look for opportunities for success, even in perilous economic situations. It also means Americans must finally take a stand and advocate for real, meaningful change and progress in their political systems, create a new, more capable tax code and reduce our debts individually and collectively to meet our abilities to repay them. Creating a sustainable governance model and a new, more fair tax code that does not sacrifice our ideals as a nation built on capitalism is essential to our overall recovery as a nation and as a free people that have a renewed sense of purpose full of economic opportunities for all of us.
©2014 Don Allen Holbrook (P)2014 Don Allen Holbrook