The Only Person That Can Make You Happy Is Yourself
Rory Young
Barry E Ives
Introduction: If we didn’t have the drive to pair bond, and we were not social creatures. Our Reliance on happiness would be through ourselves as individuals. But for the majority of us we are social creatures and seek the company of others and generally one special person that we feel completes us makes us happy and makes us feel whole as a person.
This is not an absolute for everybody but for 95% of the population if not a little bit more it is the norm. If the individual or a group of individuals can make us unhappy miserable and suffer. The same individuals or group can make us happy and fulfilled.
So a statement that I’ve always relied on when I heard it for the first time. Carried a major truth at least in my mind. In the end the only person that can make you happy is yourself. And everybody that I’ve made that statement to has agreed with it 100% when they thought about it.
Recognizing we can’t rely on others to make us happy, which is true. And nobody can be happy all the time that’s just unrealistic. The same as no one can be in pain and sorrow all the time. All things will pass eventually. And as it’s been said before. How would you know happiness, if you do not know pain and sorrow.