The Ride Along
Guilty Until She Proves Otherwise
Skye Alley
Twanda Cousins is a senior in college. She’s excited for her upcoming graduation. She would be the first in her family to graduate from college. With her bachelor of administration in xriminal justice, she believes that one day she will run the FBI.
A month before graduation Twanda signs up to ride along with the local police to get a feel of what it’s like for them on a given night. She teams up with Officer Diego Ramirez.
Officer Ramirez pulls over a vehicle for speeding. He runs the plates, and nothing comes back on it. He approaches the vehicle as he’s done hundreds of times before. Twanda watches intently as the transaction takes place. Her phone beeps. It’s a call from her boyfriend. In the second it takes her to look down, shots sound out.
Twanda is stunned. A man gets out of the vehicle and fires two more shots into Officer Ramirez’s body. Twanda’s instincts kick in, and she jumps out the vehicle and runs for her life.
Perfect for fans of exhilarating thrillers with killers hunting down an innocent person. The Ride Along is an action-packed novel that will keep you hanging.
©2022 Gerald C Anderson Sr (P)2022 Gerald C Anderson Sr