The Siege at Friendly Haven
Tarbabies, Book 2
Allen R. Brady
Lisa Cartmell
Allen R. Brady
No one expects to leave this place alive.
The Friendly Haven Assisted Living Center is supposed to be the last stop - a quiet, comfortable place to die. But death is not what the monsters outside are offering. The tarbabies will get in eventually. They always do. Keeping those shambling bags of slime from oozing through the countless cracks and seams infesting this place would require more vigilance than we can muster.
The residents of Friendly Haven are old and weary, and it has been a long time since we were asked to fend for ourselves. So we can hunker down and wait for the help we know isn't coming, or we can take our chances out among the monsters. There are no heroes at Friendly Haven. But there are people who are terrified of what they will become if they fail. For what we have to do, fear may be our last, best hope.
Now that death is no longer the worst thing that can happen to us.
©2015 Allen R. Brady (P)2017 Allen R. Brady