The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You
Mike Dooley
Mike Dooley
From the afterlife—a new perspective on your life
“I know this may come as a shock, and you know I’m not fond of using stale one-liners, but—‘reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.’ I’m as alive now as I was on the day we met, except, maybe, more so.”
If the dead could speak, don’t you wonder what they would say to those of us they’ve left behind? What would they tell us to soothe our sorrow for their loss, calm our fears of what happens when we die, and fire us up to live the best possible lives we can right now? In pages filled with wisdom, humor, and, yes, joy, New York Times best-selling author Mike Dooley explores our most pressing and profound questions about the afterlife—and this life—from the fresh perspective of those who have made the transition to the next phase. Among the revelations and insights they share:
· We were ready; you are not.
· There’s no such thing as a devil or hell.
· We’re sorry for any pain we may have caused.
· Your pets are just as crazy, brilliant, and loving here as they were there.
· Nothing we say can prepare you for the beauty of the moment you arrive.
You’ll learn that our loved ones are not lost to us; that our time on earth is both a school and an adventure; that, all appearances to the contrary, life truly is fair; and that we have it in us to reshape our own fortunes, starting today.
“A book about living that will help readers see more beauty, feel more power, and know more love.” — don Miguel Ruiz, international best-selling author of The Four Agreements
“Fabulous! Mike Dooley shows you how to stay alive for the whole of your life . . . and beyond!” — Robert Holden, Ph.D., author of Holy Shift!
“Three times, from three completely independent sources, I was told, ‘You need to meet Mike Dooley.’ After the fourth time, when the person doing the suggesting even went to the trouble to forward his e-mail, I took it as an omen. To all four of you who thought I should meet this incredible writer, this awesome spokesman for the Universe, for joy, and now for all our dead ancestors, I owe you. For everybody else, don’t wait. Get The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell YOU and everything else Mike Dooley has ever written and read it now.” — Pam Grout, #1 New York Times best-selling author of E-Squared and E-Cubed