Tom Brady: Habits of Greatness (Extended Edition)
Eat, Train, Sleep and Recover Like a Professional Athlete
John Austin
Whatever your fitness goals are, the most important thing to do is set them before you start. If you don't know where you're going, how will you get there? There's no point in getting frustrated when a year down the line and all that time at the gym has yielded no results.
Quit worrying about what other people's goals are. Worrying about other people's goals is a waste of time and energy! We're constantly bombarded with messages from advertisers, magazines, and social media telling us that their idea of beauty is the only one that matters—but it isn't true! Whatever shape or size or body type suits you best is what's beautiful—and achieving physical fitness can be an extremely empowering experience for everyone who has been told their entire life that they should look like someone else.
Keep things realistic: Don't try to lose 20 pounds in two months; instead shoot for 5 pounds in 6 weeks (or 7 pounds in 8 weeks, etc.). That way, if progress starts slowing down after two months, then it won't feel discouraging when it happens—you'll still have reached your goal but just not quite as fast as planned, due to all those pesky variables like genetics, which can affect weight-loss efforts significantly!
Why Athletes Must Sleep Well
The Best Fruits For Athletic Performance
The Best Vegetables For Athletic Performance
Adapt Your Diet To Your Training Needs
Athletes Must Eat Essential Fatty Acids
Athletes Must Avoid Added Sugar
Athletes Must Avoid Refined Carbs
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