Trials & Tribulations of Modesty Greene
A Fictional Novel About Harriet Tubman's Historical Legacy
DW Plato
In 1789, Mo’destee Vert was a Senegambia teenager in love and happier than ever as she prepard to become an adult.
Everything changed when white strangers speaking a foreign language attacked her village. After a grueling voyage across the ocean, she found herself labeled Modesty Greene, slave. She became the property of Robert Banks, a plantation owner in Dorchester County, Maryland. At night, she dreamed of her home in Africa. She longed to see her brother and parents, but mostly, she missed the man that never became her husband. Modesty just wanted to be happy and normal. Would becoming a mother and moving to a new plantation be better or worse? At least she would be far away from Robert Banks.
Years later, Araminta Ross, aka Harriet Tubman, was born a third-generation slave. A curious child with a unique relationship with God, she dreamed of a different life. Could she be brave enough to set out in the dark and follow the stars to freedom? History says, "Yes."
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