Vanessa by the Sea
Love Always Remains the Answer
Melanie Lutz
Melanie Lutz
Between this world and the other is a choice. Love or fear. The therapy relationship between Melanie Lutz and Vanessa Bland using the ocean as a metaphor for the unconscious.
With wisdom, wit and insight Melanie Lutz's memoir reveals the inner mechanisms of healing from a near death experience, grief, loss and heartbreak
Vanessa by the Sea chronicles the process of a therapy relationship based on a total commitment to transforming toxic thoughts into loving action.
Vanessa represents a significant level of divine love and wisdom and as I share more and more of my Vanessa experiences I find it does sound extraordinary as I also understand it is not. Vanessa retaught me how to be present in the world. No small task. Presence is the miracle of what love does in its purest form — radiate truth and heal perceptions. Vanessa amplified my “inner counselor.”
Every life is a mystery unfolding beautifully. Vanessa is an ally to bring more into consciousness, representing an eternal teacher igniting the days of our lives, walking deeper through the differentiation of all the parts of the known universe. Love is one channel which is always available, whether it is a person, place or situation divining the truth of who we are and offers it to us on full display, rendering light in the quiet regions of our heart space delivering us home. This illuminated story of love as a healing force exists because the eternal lessons learned from a compassionate, master healer over the conditions of anxiety, doubt, insecurity and self-hatred.
May this work bring you healing, foundational wellness and an experience of wholeness.