What If?
‘We Have Been Sold a Bill of Goods’
Larry Peterson
What if I told you there are several very popular views concerning the last days, or end of times?
None of which can be totally substantiated by Scripture alone.
It would be a mistake to only fellowship with people who are trying to get out of here prematurely. Selah!
This treatise is not intended to be a full comprehensive study of the following topics, but it will establish a basis for further examination of the subjects.
[A massive rift continues to grow between the true sons of the Kingdom and those who are content with existing in the false reality and matrix of the Religion of Christianity.]
The following material is the premise from which many view and interpret the Scripture concerning the last of days and end of times.
The reality is most of us believe something to be true that we have never prayerfully considered or properly vetted for ourselves, and we are uncertain about what to believe one way or the other.
It is time for all of us to do our due diligence in order to arrive at a better conclusion about a great many things.